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Rick Santorum is without class

Not because of his ridiculous views on gay rights and contraception. He doesn't like acknowledging the idea of different classes in American society. He doesn't even think they exist. I highly doubt Santorum is making a semantic or philosophical point when he criticizes other politicians for talking about class. I'm pretty sure it's just his way of crying class warfare.

And he is far from alone in that regard. Nearly every Republican you hear talk will eventually get to the great injustice that is done by Democrats when they engage in class warfare. Never mind that they use violent language to describe it or never really describe what it is in detail. It's just more ridiculous rhetoric. But what makes Santorum's efforts different are that most Republicans at least acknowledge that there are different classes. It's hard for some to go an entire speech without heaping praise on the always important and greatest group of people ever, the middle class.

So why has Santorum gone this route? A lot of people take pride in identifying with the middle class. So Santorum might risk upsetting those people by saying there are no classes. Even if you don't like "class warfare" I think most people acknowledge there is an economic difference between the rich and everyone else. So it's weird to me that he would go this route. Maybe he sees it as another way to assure people that their taxes won't increase. Maybe he is trying to play into the 'American dream' type thinking in which he wants to play off everyone's desire to become rich. If it's not one of those things then I'm stumped. And if it is one of those things, I don't know why he would take it so far as to say there are no classes. You can get those points across without going that route.

What Republican voters should hear when Santorum says that and when Republicans in general throw out the class warfare line is a bunch of shit. It's a way for them to ignore the vast inequality in this country and the fact that they can't close budget deficits without increasing taxes. It's how they divorce themselves from the responsibility of outcomes they and their constituents claim to dislike while trying to make themselves look like they are sticking to conservative principles, which in reality boils down to giving the rich as much as they can. I guess in that sense Santorum is correct. For Republicans like him there are no class distinctions because the only one exists to them, the upper class.
