I didn't follow his career very closely. Most of my recollection of him is from the 08 Democratic primary. But from what I've read he was a good liberal. And now he is being mocked by some liberals. I don't have much to add to Glenn Greenwald explaining why he is being mocked. I'll just quote at length:
I'll just add that he probably doesn't have many big legislative accomplishments because it's difficult to get big coalitions to support you on the issues he cared about, those issues he is mocked for speaking up about. Remember, Iraq and Afghanistan were supported by large proportions of both parties. The same is true of the Patriot Act and much of the civil liberties issues involving the 'war on terror'. And the same is true of the drug war and many issues regarding corporations and the economy. Kucinich chose to speak against the majorities on these issues instead of compromising his beliefs in order to gain big legislative accomplishments. If that's wacky then I'm just as wacky as him.
So let’s recap the state of mental health in establishment Democratic circles: the President who claims (and exercises) the power to target American citizens for execution-by-CIA in total secrecy and with no charges — as well as those who dutifully follow him — are sane, sober and Serious, meriting great respect. By contrast, one of the very few members of Congress who stands up and vehemently objects to this most radical power — “The idea that the United States has the ability to summarily execute a US citizen ought to send chills racing up and down the spines of every person of conscience” — is a total wackjob, meriting patronizing mockery.
Both the Prospect and Post recite the trite case demonstrating Kucinich’s supposed weirdness. He’s friends with Shirley McLaine, who believes in reincarnation, and he once (according to McLaine) claimed to have an encounter with a UFO. Is any of that really any more strange than the litany of beliefs which the world’s major religions require? Is Barack Obama “wacky” because he claims to believe that Jesus turned water into wine, rose from the dead and will soon welcome him to heaven? Is Chuck Schumer bizarre because he seems to believe that there’s some big fatherly figure sitting in the sky who spewed fire and brimstone at those who broke the laws he sent down on some stones and now hovers over him judging his every move? Is Harry Reid a weirdo because he apparently venerates as divine the “visions” of a man who had dozens of wives, including some already married to other men?
Neither the Prospect nor the Post would ever dare mock as “wacky” the belief in invisible judgmental father-figures in the sky or that rendition of life-after-death gospel because those belief systems have been deemed acceptable by establishment circles. ”Wacky”, like its close cousin “crazy,” is a term of establishment derision exclusively reserved for those who deviate from such conventions. And that’s the point worth making here: the real reason anyone with D.C. Seriousness, including many establishment liberals, relished mocking Kucinich is because he dissented from the orthodoxies of the two political parties. That, by definition, makes one wacky and weird, even when — as is true for the Obama assassination powers and so many other bipartisan pieties — the actual wacky and crazy beliefs are those orthodoxies themselves (we’ve seen this repeatedly with those who stray from two-party normalcy). In reality, the actual crazies are those who fit comfortably within that two-party mentality and rarely challenge or deviate from it, while those who are sane, by definition, dissent from it (just today, the Super Serious Democratic Sen. Carl Levin, a prime co-sponsor of the indefinite detention bill passed late last year, called for a naval blockade of Iran
I'll just add that he probably doesn't have many big legislative accomplishments because it's difficult to get big coalitions to support you on the issues he cared about, those issues he is mocked for speaking up about. Remember, Iraq and Afghanistan were supported by large proportions of both parties. The same is true of the Patriot Act and much of the civil liberties issues involving the 'war on terror'. And the same is true of the drug war and many issues regarding corporations and the economy. Kucinich chose to speak against the majorities on these issues instead of compromising his beliefs in order to gain big legislative accomplishments. If that's wacky then I'm just as wacky as him.
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