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The Dark Knight Rises teaser trailer

I went to see the last Harry Potter movie this afternoon. I'm not a fan. I just think Emma Watson is beautiful and I was bored one day last year when part one of the final film was out. I had read on Pajiba (linked to on my blog roll, my favorite movie/tv blog) that there might be a teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises before the next Potter movie.

So given that I had seen the first one, and with the prospect of more Emma Watson, I figured it would be worth it to see the movie if I got to see the teaser. Well thankfully Pajiba was right. I'm not going to link to anything because anything I've seen on youtube has been pulled by Warner Bros. Check out Pajiba to see if they have it.

I'll just say that they showed more than I thought they would. If you remember the first teaser for TDK, it was just the bat logo and the Joker's voice. This teaser actually showed footage from the film. Obviously they don't give anything away. It just sets up the fact that this is the last film of a trilogy and it will wrap up the story.

Even the minute or two of the teaser was exciting. I can't freaking wait for next year. I'm going to have the biggest nerdgasm of all time when I get to see two of my favorite things of all time; Batman and Joss Whedon directing.
